Personally I enjoyed this video game, the controls were a little sticky but otherwise it was a cool game. I wasn't very into having to move the camera around yourself, that could possibly be from me playing God of War II, where you never have to move the camera around it does it for you. This is actual a nice feature because it lets you know where to go next, even though I use IGN for the walkthrough...I'm such a cheater. Anyway back to the game, Prince of Persia is definitely man friendly. We didn't play far into the game, but you could see in the first scene how women are seen. The one woman we saw was of great importance to the prince, but was just a woman thats it. I did like how we all played together and cheered each other on. As a class I think we helped each other out a lot, especially for the more inexperienced gamers who needed help. Prince of Persia is a great game, the first one I think could use a little more women in the gameplay. Like if you compared it to Zelda there was a woman who knew her fighting moves and wasn't a sexy seductress in fact she made herself look more like a man. I have not played any of the new Prince of Persia video games, but I am sure they are just as good and even better. I was super excited to play video games in class and I cannot wait to do it again.
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